Don’t let the FAIL fool you, that’s the free sticker I got in the mail courtesy of Sticker Giant for being quick on the draw to enter their Twitter contest. You should really read the whole letter (click the image or here for full size), it’s pure awesome friendliness. To quote my favourite part:
“…so I’m sending you these free stickers ’cause I love you and think we should get to know each other better.”
I mean how awesome is that? It sincerely made us lol and want to tell everyone. And it kind of makes me feel like I’m best friends with John Fischer.
This actually came at a pretty good time, as we’re planning a couple things that we want to swing in this direction. Typically when anyone gets something like this, a direct marketing message or some sort of hard pitch or features list is a given. You may think “what a great spot for another pitch”. But maybe it’s an even better spot for no pitch. Think about it.
I was just reading about this idea on Carsonified:
It’s a great idea, but I hope it doesn’t get so diluted that every company is “loving” everyone and we get mass hippy commerce.
That’s a good point, and a great post. I do think this notion will become more widespread with the new marketing movements and adoption social media, but I think big stale companies will for the most part continue on that way. Trying to be fun like this is a bit of a bold move still, as you risk criticism by putting yourself out there, but I don’t think it’s risky (rather, being boring is).