Google’s uses a bunch of things to decide what pages are most relevant whenever you search, one of the most important being links. It relies heavily on things like number of links pointing to you, age of links, the anchor text of links, and a bunch of details in between. On Twitter the rules are different. It’s all moving...
Read more →When Google launched social search not too long ago, something must have been brewing at the Googleplex. A good step, but it really didn’t seem that useful. But now Google’s into realtime search. In the past Google sometimes had a tough time with time-sensitive information due to the way it ranked pages based so heavily on links and age....
Read more →In July our friend Dale Zak organized the iPhone Hackathon for Chairty at the Hub, an event to bring together a team to ponder some iPhone app ideas, pick some to build and sell with profits going to charities. Well, we’re proud to announce that we’ve all been working away to start up Apps 4 Good Inc., an organization...
Read more →Movember has come to an end. Overall Team Hub Halifax raised over $1,000 and surely created a lot of awareness. All-in-all we had fun doing it, too. Thanks to everyone who donated, helped out, and supported us and the team! But remember, gents (and ladies with gents), we didn’t just do this for the looks: 1 in 6 men...
Read more →It’s time. We’re putting our moustaches up for auction on eBay. Bidding starts at $1, free shipping within Canada and all proceeds go to Movember: Nick’s auction Ian’s auction Here’s an update form today, and check out our Movember shaving vid if you haven’t already.
Read more →This Movember Nick and Ian join their friends on Team Hub Halifax growing moustaches to raise money and awareness for Prostate Cancer Canada.
Read more →Ask anyone who’s done SEO work and they’ll tell you meta tags (description and keywords) don’t influence rankings. If you check on some of the top forums you can find some pretty serious debates on whether or not you should even use them. Quick answer, yes. Smaller sites can easily edit, and larger sites can generate them. Plus it’s...
Read more →Don’t let the FAIL fool you, that’s the free sticker I got in the mail courtesy of Sticker Giant for being quick on the draw to enter their Twitter contest. You should really read the whole letter (click the image or here for full size), it’s pure awesome friendliness. To quote my favourite part: “…so I’m sending you these...
Read more →Well the news is out, Facebook Lite has launched officially (after i snuck a look last week), you can use it simply by going to It’s essentially a trimmed down version, getting rid of the apps and clutter for a simple communication tool with a feed of just status updates, my profile and wall, photos/videos, and messaging. Even...
Read more →Brief discussion on search engine marketing and search engine advertising, mostly semantics. Continue reading
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