Podcamp Halifax, the best Podcamp in the world!

Podcamp is already a tradition in Halifax after just three years. hi there really wanted to help out so we sponsored them by doing what we do - new website!

We had some fun with it and did another “Site in a Night” (or two or three) and got everything planned and laid out in video form. It certainly took more than a night, but it rhymes, so there you go.

Podcamp is already a tradition in Halifax after just three years. hi there really wanted to help out so we sponsored them by doing what we do - new website! Not only did me give it a big new look, but made things easier for other volunteers to manage the content in a more organized fashion.


commandN shot a Spoghtlight interview with one of the organizers, Craig Moore, with a shout out to ourselves.

But we’re not done. We'll stay involved and there's a few things we've learned that can help with an update. Everything is iterative, after all, and next time time around we have plans to get even more social and go mobile with responsive design. Can’t wait!