Visa Gift Cards are really broken (on purpose)

by Ian on July 10, 2009

No company could ever break their product this bad by accident. If you’ve read Seth Godin or heard him speak on things that are broken, he mentions gift cards at the beginning of this talk (thanks Joel for the link). They’re doing everything they can to make sure you don’t get all your money from the card. Just have a look at the list of card fees and conditions in this scam, err…scan. You have to pay extra just to buy it! I’ll leave the rest for you, it’s astounding.

visa gift card terms

Looks like Visa’s come along way in terms of breaking their cards, check out Nick Hulst’s post on how the Visa Gift Card was broken in 2006.

2 thoughts on “Visa Gift Cards are really broken (on purpose)

  1. Only reason to get one is to access the US iTunes Store, as far as I’m concerned. It is atrocious.


  2. Ah yes, that is a good trick. That’s gotta be all they’re good for.

    Ian on

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