Come on Facebook Lite my fire
by Ian on September 16, 2009
Well the news is out, Facebook Lite has launched officially (after i snuck a look last week), you can use it simply by going to It’s essentially a trimmed down version, getting rid of the apps and clutter for a simple communication tool with a feed of just status updates, my profile and wall, photos/videos, and messaging.
Even the settings page resembles a computer settings pane with simple icons.
This may open the doors to some new users who may have thought Facebook was “too much”. Everything is bigger too, like a large print book, which will perhaps work with them as well in gaining more users in the 40+ age range. This is something I can now actually see myself showing my parents without them asking what “Farmville” is.
In reality it’s probably all I need myself, but being in the industry I like to keep up with the goings-on and how people interact with the system (like stalking but less creepy). And of course, ironically, I also like to see the ads so I know who’s doing what, and how.

Well the news is out, Facebook Lite, aka Diet Facebook, has launched officially (after i snuck a look last week), you can explore it too simply by going to It’s essentially a trimmed down version, getting rid of the apps and clutter for a simple communication tool with a feed of just status updates, profile and wall, photos/videos, events, and messaging.

I like the settings page, which resembles a computer settings pane with simple icons:

This may open the doors to some new users who may have thought Facebook was “too much”. Everything is bigger too, like a large print book, which will perhaps work with them as well in gaining more users in the 40+ age range. This is something I can now actually see myself showing my parents without them asking what “FarmVille” is.
In reality it’s probably all I need myself, but being in the industry I like to keep up with the goings-on and how people interact with the system (not to be confused with stalking ;). And of course, ironically, I also like to see all the ads so I know who’s doing what, and how.
So friend, do you think Facebook Lite will be used to address Canada’s privacy commissioner’s concers re: sharing info with third party advertisers?
I think they’re in the midst of working it all out.
I understand why the apps request the personal info for marketing purposes, and people’s concerns i suppose, but It’s good to see it’s not going to be a big hassle anyway :)
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