Movember Wrap-up

by Ian on December 3, 2009

Movember has come to an end. Overall Team Hub Halifax raised over $1,000 and surely created a lot of awareness. All-in-all we had fun doing it, too. Thanks to everyone who donated, helped out, and supported us and the team!

But remember, gents (and ladies with gents), we didn’t just do this for the looks: 1 in 6 men will get prostate cancer, typically there are no symptoms until its spread beyond the prostate. But prostate cancer is 90% curable if detected and treated early. But 4,400 men will die from prostate cancer just in Canada this year. So screening is important. More at

Here we are, moustache-less and hard at work on something really cool:

Back to our old, stubbly selves

Oh, and remember our video? Some people were asking about our setup and the plants, so here’s how we put it all together:


The scene was thick with plants.

lots of plants

Lots of plant arranging and propping, not much room for moving.

the camera jig

And our adjustable camera platform.

One thought on “Movember Wrap-up

  1. Congrats guys!
    You put alot of work into this and it shows!
    There is alot of people that really appreciate it, awesome job!

    Vincent on

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