…and a Happy New Website

by Ian on January 3, 2010

Last year was a great one – we spent our first six months officially in business, worked with some great clients and colleagues, and I think we all had fun.

For the past couple of month’s we’ve been working out what we’ll do in oh-ten. Step one is a re-align and re-design our website. We sifted through every detail and asked ourselves if we could make it better, friendlier, more concise. We re-thought not just our approach, but how we communicate what we do and how we do it.

We’ll expand on some of the details and discussions we had over the next few days, but for now have a look before and after and tell us what you think!

12 thoughts on “…and a Happy New Website

  1. Great stuff, guys – best of luck in 2010!

  2. Looking good. Saw your post on Twitter. JohnInNS

  3. It’s still good but I think the way you handled the logo in the first design is better.

  4. Looks great guys! 2010 is going to be a great year!!

  5. Looks great, Ian & Nick. All the best in 2010

    Patrick Hankinson on
  6. The new design makes me believe in God; a design God. I have noticed there is a lack of buzz words in your banners…May I suggest: “Extreme”, “Mega Awesome”, “Maxxed out Wicked” and “Internet=$$, stupid”

  7. Great job guys! Best of luck in ’10.

  8. It looks fantastic!! Keep up the great work.

    Steph on
  9. The new site looks great! Congrats on your first six months and best of luck in “oh-ten”.

    Krystal on
  10. Love after – it’s cleaner :) Congratulations!

  11. Thanks for the great feedback everyone! Seems like there’s a lot going on for this year, eh? Lots of plans, lots of change. I think this is going to be a fun one ;)

    Ian on

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